Cloud Computing has rapidly transformed the world since the last three years. It still continues to do so. With the increasing options in the cloud computing world and the ease of switching to multiple platforms as well as architectures, everyone is moving to the cloud. From small businesses and bloggers to tech giants who are resource intensive, everyone is involved with cloud flavors these days.
Lately even government related websites have been moving to the cloud. While all this has been happened in the well fed countries, the term cloud computing is unknown to many in the developing countries. There is still a gap in the knowledge aspect as to how cloud computing can benefit anyone anywhere anytime.
As technology always comes with a hefty price tag, the same has happened with cloud computing. Many entrepreneurs as well as small businesses of the smaller lot couldn’t afford to get in the cloud. This is mainly because of two causes. The first one is the cost involved in cloud architecture which makes them a costly affair. The second is doubt in the minds of businesses whether they should move to the cloud or not.
To create a robust cloud architecture, the company must invest a lot in every little thing keeping performance as well as security in mind. This will eventually bring up the price. Though there are hundreds of companies claiming to be cloud ready, only a handful of them give you robust security and top notch performance. The other are plain bogus!
The term cloud computing has become more of a marketing strategy than of a technology. Thus one must choose a cloud provider wisely. If not, you are moving your data and future into the wrong hands.
When it comes to smaller countries, the local businesses and entrepreneurs have a little knowledge of the advantages of cloud and how it could help their business. One initiative that the major tech companies can take is to reduce the pricing and features of their service and provide a lower cost based model to the consumers in the developing countries.
A business owner who doesn’t need multiple firewalls and tens of nodes can easily move to a lower cost model that provides a simple cloud solution. The need to bring all the countries to the cloud is essential as this will help reduce downtime and also help maintain a better computing infrastructure throughout the world.
Only a handful of businesses or entrepreneurs are moving to the cloud. The rest are still in a doubt if they should make the move or not. The only way to make this possible is make cloud computing more crystal clear as cost effective so that SMB’s don’t burn a hole in their pocket. The pricing is the main factor which determines the transformation towards cloud computing. Hence the providers must keep in mind that excessive pricing or very poor pricing will definitely not fetch them any business from developing countries in the world.
A well developed must not over developed cloud architecture must be available to everyone so that all the small business can start in the cloud with confidence. In the end, it’s trust and usability that go hand in hand than pricey tags from big vendors.