
The Cloud: The Next Internet Frontier

The concept of cloud computing, or The Cloud, as it is more commonly referred to nowadays, is a technology that migrates typical business services being done by companies to computer networks over the Internet. The term “cloud” comes from the fact that the Internet is usually being referred to in symbols and diagrams as a cloud that encompasses hundreds and thousands of computers.

The service as early as the 1950s with large-scale mainframe computers housed in data centers lending their services to businesses and academic institutions and with the eventual introduction of the Internet to public consumption, many companies have offered the use and service of their software and hardware to other businesses across the world as a form of outsourcing that business’s service to cloud computing.

Businesses: Why go to the Cloud?

The obvious question is why a business should consider migrating most of their services to the Cloud’s mercy. Naturally, the obvious answer that would come to mind is the reduction of costs on the business itself. Making use of cloud computing services means that the enterprise saves more money in the acquisition of hardware and software to run applications within their infrastructure. The Cloud automatically handles the hardware and software computing part and thus the business can function at lesser expenditures.

Another good consideration is the fact that it operates on the Internet. Not only does it make the business extra techno-savvy but also places the business in a good position to expand its services throughout the length and breadth of the World Wide Web itself. True enough, many companies have expanded their otherwise local services to a wider range of customers by marketing their services through the Cloud.

Customers: Why make use of the Cloud?

When the concept of cloud computing was first introduced, a lot of confusion settled in the market as they were unaccustomed to the manner of service that cloud computing provided. Gaming companies, for instance, started to slowly cease the sale of actual hardcopies of games and instead had them marketed via a cloud computing service where the customers just purchase the games digitally and thus begins a digital collection of games and titles “over the cloud”.

Similar to reasons for businesses, The Cloud operates on the Internet, making it easily accessible for customers to avail of services that they require without having to visit a store or business physically. It’s sort of similar to e-Commerce services, except that you actually avail of actual services and digital products instead of face-to-face customer service and physical products.

Everything’s moving upcloud

A lot of known and established businesses have already set up shops and services through the Cloud. Games have been greatly popularized with the introduction of Steam’s popular cloud service for purchase, download, and storage of games. IBM has stepped up to opening their vast stores of hardware and software to aspiring clients and businesses looking to acquire space for their information systems that work on the Web. The RingCentral phone service has also opened its doors to communication to businesses via the Cloud. It is predicted that more and more companies will begin moving up their services to the powers that cloud computing can provide.

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