Cloud Computing is a common term in the internet these days. Most of the users however don’t know the true potential of cloud. Here we put together some of the Cloud Computing Q and A’s like how when why what of Cloud Computing. Now wonder 2012 is an year of Cloud Computing and you should move to the cloud too.
What is Cloud Computing?
Cloud Computing is the process of utilising the hardware or software owned cloud vendors through the internet. Many Cloud providers like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft provide cloud services through the legacy hardware and software they use for their corporations.
Is Cloud Computing costly?
No, Cloud computing is supposed to reduce your costs than an ordinary service for your organisation. A simple example is Cloud Hosting or Cloud Servers where the cost must be reduced as compared to your dedicated servers.
Is Cloud Computing Secure?
Cloud Computing is achieved by the process of combining resources to make a pool or cluster and utilise them according to your needs. The security of a Cloud company depends on what measures it has taken to prevent unauthorised access to its system and software.
There are many different companies that provide Cloud services and each one of them has a different approach to the Cloud. Some companies are good in the reputation of security ex
While some face frequent attacks ex
What is Cloud Computing all about?
Cloud is about Pricing, Availability, Scalability and Security. They are the four pillars of Cloud computing.
The pricing must always be low as the end user doesn’t have to invest in the equipment or the backend software.
Availability is the Cloud is often estimated to be 100%, but there is no company in the world that can provide 100% uptime.100% uptime is just a myth. A cloud must at least have an uptime of 98% which ensures maximum availability of your website or application.
Scalable Architecture:
Scalability is the utilisation of a pool of resources as per your needs. Some times you might need extra bandwidth or storage and sometimes you must cut down these resources to cut down the costs. This facility is only provided in the Cloud and it simply means “Pay for only what you use”.
As I have pointed earlier, security is handled by various Cloud IT Service vendors in various approaches. It really isn’t a good practice comparing one companies security to the other but in general, the security is tough with the bigger cats of the IT industry. Services like Amazon, Microsoft and Google are highly secure and also very reputed.
What is the best time to move to the cloud?
Right away. Yes, the answer might sound absurd but the Cloud is the best way to get your business on to the glory road. If you start right away, by the time the Cloud Computing industry is populated, you will be a Cloud Computing guru and your business will be Cloud powered IT Vendor.
So make a choice on your Cloud Computing provider and also get to know about the various Cloud Solutions available to your Company / Organisation.
What is Cloud Computing. How to choose the Cloud IT Service Vendors ?